GCG Good (Corporate Governance) Measurement


Good Corporate Governance or we called GCG, known as benchmark for the company’s ability in administering a healthy operational and business process inside. For public listed company, GCG has been published by OJK and used as a road map by financial services its business activity in a long term manner. Becoming one of measurement for a company’s performance; in addition to financial and business operational performances.

Typically, government bodies and interested investors look at a company’s ESG or Environmental, Social, and Governance metrics. These metrics help to demonstrate how far along a company has advanced with its sustainability measures. Modern sustainability means promoting the health of the environment, the health of the local community, and bringing economic profit back into the sector. Research done by McKinsey and Company promotes companies having a higher ESG rating as it has shown to mean a lower cost of equity and debt.

Building a successful company often involves keeping one eye on the present functions and another on future possibilities. Modern sustainable enterprises have been proven to lead to business growth in more ways than one. What is stopping you from going green?

Special audits


Special audits Nowadays, there has been a lot on the emergence of non-profit organizations in the society. In its activities, non-profit organizations have done some positive things which certainly gives a good impact for the society through operational performance in place. Amongst others, the opportunity to serve the society, efficient performance, protection of rights, cooperation, and experienced management or adequate … Read More