Managing Tax Holiday


The Government published the Ministry of Finance (MoF) Regulation (“Peraturan Menteri Keuangan” or “PMK”) No. 159/PMK.010/2015 related to the Provision for Corporate Income Tax Reduction Facility, or known as Tax Holiday to revise PMK No. 192/PMK.011/2014. This regulation is effective on August 16, 2015…

Tax Training


Tax training is a give the your staff knowledge and skill related in taxation, tax news issue, tax hot issue etc.

Tax Review


The tax regulations of each country are different. The taxpayer has an obligation to pay taxes to the state in accordance to the rules in force in the country.

Tax Planning


Tax planning is a set of planning in the area of taxation in order to improve efficiency of tax and get the best alternative for legal tax saving.

Corporate Tax


Consultation services orally and in writing tax problems and implementation based tax regulation on a monthly and annual. Provides services to give education tax accounting treatment is like PPh 4(2), 15, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, VAT, and reconciliation. The benefits for the entity are know tax obligations, tax regulation update and consultation.