Minister of Finance Regulation Tax Incentives for Tax Payers


Welcome to the July 2020’s second issue of Inspired!

With the massive widespread of the Covid 19 Pandemic, we would like to publish topics related to various tax incentives offered by the Indonesian Government to the qualified employers and employees. This information may serve as guideline to those who wish to avail of the benefits offered on the tax incentives. Since we aim that the journal to be as relevant as possible to your business’ needs, we look forward to hearing your inputs on each issue.

For this edition, we would like to update you on Minister of Finance Regulation No. 86/PMK.032020 regarding Tax Incentives for tax payers (Covid 19 Pandemic). This regulation became effective on July16, 2020.

If you wish us to write an article on topics relevant to your business needs, please e-mail us. Contact details are furnished at the last part of this journal.

Journal PMK 86 - July 2020 Vol 2

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