Minister of Finance Regulation Number 90-Assistance, Donations, and Grants

October 20, 2020


Welcome to the September 2020’s fourth issue of Inspired!

Assistance, donations, and grants are common transactions carried out by taxpayers. The Indonesian Government itself had issued special regulations governing these transactions. The regulation explains how the tax behavior of the transaction in question for the parties involved. As we aim to make the journal as relevant as possible to your business needs, we look forward to hearing your input on each issue.

In this article, we will explain about Minister of Finance Regulation no 90 / PMK.03 / 2020, specifically those representing tax object and not related parties. This regulation became effective on the date of promulgation, which is on July 20, 2020.

If you want us to write articles on topics that are relevant to your business needs, please send us an email. Contact details are provided in the last section of this journal.

Journal Vol. 4 September 2020


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